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Consejería de Educación. Junta de Extremadura

Posture Magician





The Camels and the Posture Magician. The teacher
secretly chooses two students to be camels and another to be the
Posture Magician. The other students mustn’t know which students
were chosen. Students walk around the gym. The two camels touch
the arms of the other students. If a student is touched, he/she must
sit down with his legs crossed. The Posture Magician has to guess who
the camels are. If he/she guess one of the camels correctly, he/she
becomes the new magician.
The School Bag Race. The teacher divides the class into
four teams. Each team makes a line. The first player in line puts a
school bag on his/her shoulders. When the teacher says, “Ready,
Steady, Go!” the first player in each line runs to the other end of the
gym. At the other end of the gym there is a box full of balls. The
player must put a ball in the school bag. The player runs back to
his/her line and gives the school bag to the next player. The first team
to finish is the winner.

The Straight Child. The class is divided into six groups. The
teacher gives each group 20 multifunctional balls. One player lies
down on top of the balls with his/her back straight. The other
members of the group move the balls along the floor so that the
player can roll over them to the finish line.